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《斷捨離:自己 自己延伸對話》 2016/實驗/39'33''

創作念頭:這是一場自己自己哀悼儀式,一段關係的哀悼,一條村的哀悼 。「自己自己」同是我,同是世界,毋須「和」的連結。嘗試區分行為與行動對身體的反應。我用無意識的文字去為錄像作一個無秩序的歸納,同時,我發現那些影像和文字自動連結,讓我嘖嘖稱奇,打一個冷顫。

自己和自己的延伸對話 寫字是回應 怎樣才是叫延伸 延伸又不與衍生相同
獨立句子 與依賴句子的 關係

推自己落山,佢知實撞到一啲野 , 揩到一啲野。可能撞到隔離舊石,揩到頭頂那棵小草。佢知,多啲石頭碌落山,就會變成泥石流,爭落雨。咁下面既城市會被石頭撞倒,或者淹沒。呢啲石頭有啲係青金石,有啲係月亮石,有啲係拉長石。天黑既時候,就有兩片星空。

Mourning : The Extended dialogue of Me Myself
2016/ Experimental/ 39min33s
Director: Ding Cheuk Laam

It is a self-self mourning ceremony. It mourns for a relationship, a village and a city. A "self-self", without the connection of an "and", represents myself as well as the world. Trying to distinguish the reaction exerted on the body from behavior and action, I used unconscious words to conclude the video disorderly. Meanwhile, I discovered the automatic connections between words and video, which amazed me that gives me a shiver. (I need to state that, this slow and long mourning, represent the very end of negativity, pulls myself together and walk again with my both legs...)

Personal Statement:

This is digging up my old wounds.
The village was surrounded by wire fence, benches that is for the people to rest were removed and the flowers was plucked from the planter. These were made to let the people around feel lifeless, my friend said.

Everything in the world is a torment.
These are all my projection.

Some flexibility of experimental video can be grasped while some were spontaneous or didn't prepare at the moment.

The importance of perceiving the environment from the body.
I am a bit introvert, shy and scared of hugging with others. This is my relationship between me and the body.

This is a resistance from the inside and outside at the same time. To first perceive and feel the status of oneself while looking for a way to vent it, and to construct it afterwards.

When talking about how the environment around affect our lives and emotion.
The sounds of beating the body like drums.
The representation of the external body in the video.
The elaborated conversation between me and myself. If writing poem is replying, then what is elaboration, while elaboration is different from derivation.
The relationship between independent sentence and dependent sentence.

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